Am I under oath, Senator? Do you have any way of verifying that the things I am about to say are true and accurate?
Yes Senator, I a prepared to offer my testimony...
Almost as soon as Al Gore got finished building the interweb I was there with a flashlight ("torch" to my friends in the UK) in one hand and a 3 gigawatt fully-automatic digital machete in the other. You don't remember Netscape, Sonny, but it was the pussycat's purr back then. Enter Neuromancer!
"Sleep with one eye open,
Gripping your pillow tight..."
Those were some MAGNIFICENT days, back then, although I admit I need the perspective offered by distant time to even begin to grasp the wonderfulness of it all! I knew (in an appropriate digital way) many of the Ancient Worthies whose names we now speak in reverential awe.
(To be continued, perhaps)